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2019.06.03 10:03:33
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Thanks for the newest recognition!
2014.04.01. 14:11:11
In February 2014 BisnodeGroup,whichis present in19 Europeancountriesassessed ImmunoticLtd.Based on thissurvey, thecompanyreceived an AArating. Thisinternationallyrecognizedcertificationrepresentshighprestigevalue thatindicates theexisting businesscompetence andreliability.
CountyEntrepreneur ofthe Year 2013
2014.04.01. 14:09:48
According to theBureau ofVOSZcounty and nationaldecisionBalazsSzlobodareceived the title "CountyEntrepreneur ofthe Year 2013, TheInventor of the Yearin Szabolcs-Szatmár-BeregCounty".