We provide personal discount for all registered users. Discounts are available exclusively for the purchase of new appliances. Not available for renting and used appliances. The discount appears after login.
You can increase your discount via the following way:
You can invite users by using the form below, or in the "ACCOUNT SETTINGS"
You can increase your discount via the following way:
- After registration: 10%
- After the registration of invited users: +1% / invited (maximum 10% kapható)
- After own purchases, not earlier than a year:
above 100 000 Ft: +1%
You can get maximum 5% via purchase
above 200 000 Ft: +2%
above 300 000 Ft: +3%
above 400 000 Ft: +4%
above 500 000 Ft: +5% - After purchase of invited users that are not earlier than a year:
above 100 000 Ft: +2%
You can invite users by using the form below, or in the "ACCOUNT SETTINGS"