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The endless multitude of information stored in the human body is such a miracle that is hard to be scientifically explained. The continuous regeneration of the body, its
biorhythm, communication between cells, cytokinesis (cell division), the DNA, genes, neurons are all tiny building stones of what we call life.
These parts are in a continuous connection with the Whole, thus with each other too. Part of these processes is scientifically proven. No error, no mistake although millions of opportunities arise.

How can it be that new lives come into being daily; perfectly, with decades of energy, memory and with the genetic diversity of thousands of years? How could this body be defective? How can something that we consider as a disease be a mistake?
 If we reach up to this point, the question is raised: Is it possible that we approached the notion of health from the wrong direction so far?
 What is changing when we become ill? And mostly why?

Sometimes science reacts fast, sometimes reacts slowly for the new discoveries whatever revolutionary they are.
The notion of quantum biology is at least 100 years old. Since then several experiments have proved the idea that cells are in connection with each other through Hertzian waves and vibration. All information and tasks flow through vibration which is controlled and commanded by our brain as a central system. This serves to prove how brilliant is the intelligence that created our body. Largely, water fills in the space within the tissue which is masterfully suitable for the transmission of vibration.

The basis of today’s medical biology isthat everything consists of vibration. All tiny processes of our body–that is never perceived- are controlled based on vibrations. These vibrations are measurable and devices that are based on the reading of vibration information (eg.: ECG, EEG, CT, MR) play an important role in diagnostics. According to the latest research, disease is also a vibration, the consequence of a vibration that is believed to be defective. At the same time, according to other cases that are based on experience, the defective vibration is not a defect. It is just a biological adjustment to a life situation. Our body –with the help of its receptors based on processes not known entirely for science – simply resonates not just with physical and mental but spiritual sensations as well. In this way the old observation can be true according to which every disease has spiritual background. And really: all proceeds of our life appear on our physical body.

What can Immunotic help us?<br><br>It has such an effect on disharmonic and deficient vibrations that the disharmony of vibrations cease to exist- instead of it the body starts the proper, harmonic vibration from its own endless intelligent memory. The device achieves it with the help of special square waves. Square wave is not a natural wave; there is no similar information in the body’s information warehouse, thus the organism applies the vibration saturated with the original information instead. The original information, however, is health and harmony- the pledge of health for all living organism. The basic information cannot be anything else because any deviation would endanger not just a single organism but the human race as well. It follows from the foregoing that the disharmonic vibration is not defective, but a vibration saturated with extra information, which originates from our brain to start an accommodation process.<br><br>The effect of frequencies and impulses goes on an informational level. Thus the brain can perceive that an alteration, which does not have a reason already, is present in the body and can mobilize energy that is needed for the recovery. With this, it has an effect on the ancient self-healing processes of the organism, which is not defined properly but experienced by science several times.
We cannot be so blinded to suppose that we keep our body alive on a scientific basis. The human body is much older than any of the sciences, with such knowledge and wisdom for the understanding of which our mind and other limits are not equal.
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Allergy is the abnormal hyperactivity of the organism’s defense system. The basis of the illness is that the immune system starts attack against such substances that are not dangerous under normal circumstances. The symptoms of allergy – depending on the main cause – can appear in various forms. In case of pollen allergy the inflammation of eyes and rhinitis are symptomatic. Unfortunately, itching and the continuous cold-like syndrome cause a lot of inconvenience.

Food allergy is a defense mechanism for some food, which is harmless for a non-allergic person under normal circumstances. Generally it results in immediate reaction seconds, minutes after eating up. Symptoms can be serious, life-threatening.

It is food sensitivity (intolerance) when unpleasant symptoms appear after consuming a kind of food. In this case the reaction is not so fast, symptoms can appear hours or days after getting into the body. The sensitivity affects the digestive system first and may be accompanied by stomachache, flatulence, diarrhea and vomiting.

The root problem is that an individual cause should be sought for in the background of each case. By the use of Allergetic, those cells of organism that use reaction in the right measure reminds the overreacting cells for the right ratio through cell communication. The right vibration that reaches all cells of the body tranquilizes the excessive immune reaction generally harmonizing the environment in which the cells are continuously renewing. Generally speaking, the cell hands down information that is genetically encoded or that was built in its own functioning during its life. If it is a defective excessive reaction against a substance, the newly developing cell will inherit that information. Thus it is possible to suffer from the syndrome of allergy throughout or life, however, the cells that used overreaction for the first time die.

On a spiritual level allergy generally means excessive prevention and distancing which is perfectly reproduced on a physical level.
Obesity may said to be a national disease of our age. Besides it causes self-estimation problems and hampers us in everyday duties, it can lead to a serious complication. Overweight people have more chance for the development of other diseases.

Overweight, properly speaking is a disorder which causes change in the balance of energy.

It is expressed by increase in the intake of food and/or the decrease of energy dissipation which appears in increased fat storage.

The causes of overweight can be diverse: genetic factor, eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, medicine side-effect, disease (hormonal disorder), change in lifestyle, stress, bad conditioning, negative models and thoughts.

To calculate the degree of overweight the so called BMI (Body Mass Index) is often used, which is the body weight divided by the height squared.  Based on it we talk about overweight if the number is over 25, obesity if it is over 30 and massive obesity over 35-41.

The duty of nervous system is the adaptation to the environment and the coordinated work of organism. The functioning of organism produces sight, hearing, smelling, balance detection, sensation of taste, muscle and skin sense. Besides these, motion, the entire metabolism, cardiac action and the hormone system are also working on the basis of nervous system. The formal and functional unit of it is the neuron or ganglion cell, which can be sensory, motorial and associative (linking) neuron based on their function. The nervous system responds to stimuli with reflexes. These responses can be of muscle or skin origin. Paralysis means the failure of a muscle or group of muscles. The involved body part may become insensible. This process has different stages of course – numbness, insensibility, and atony.

Possible reasons:
  • muscle disease
  • neurological disease
  • infantile paralysis
  • injuries
  • injuries during childbirth
  • serious mental problems
According to the latest research for the realization of a command that is given by the brain our organism uses the nerve tracks until they are whole, unharmed and suitable for transmission. Nevertheless the same research brought shocking realization: information starting from brain may have more than one way. Unfortunately, those who examine the connection between brain and nervous system have not found the method yet with which this other way can be found and put into use, but research is going on.

Imagine brain stimulus as a lost tourist in the city centre who wants to get to the suburbs on the outskirts of the city but the busy avenue is closed down. All he needs is a positioning system that “redesigns” the way for him leaving out the injured body part to be able to forward the message. Impossible? Before we jump to conclusions remember to great men’s “impossible” who believed a flying object that is heavier than air and the need of more than five computers to be impossible. That time. It may be that 100 years later a paralysis will be as easily treated as a common cold with a simple positioning system, medicine, machine or else.

In the meantime, we put the frequencies and impulses of Remove together to help the organism finding that shorter way in case of paralysis and transmission problems. Moreover, it helps starting the use of regenerating information of injured nervous tracks in so far the available energy is enough to fulfill the task. On the informational level REmove may cause an increased energy intake of the organism on the areas mentioned above. For this reason, relaxation and nutrient supply is of high priority during the use of the device.
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DM12-1.3 12V 1.3 Ah Diamec battery, 1,45 Kg, Dimensions: 97x43x57 mm
Compatible with the following devices:
  • Immunoslim
  • Allergetic
  • Mini
We offer a 1 year warranty
DM12-4.2 12V 4,2 Ah Diamec battery, 1,45 Kg, Dimensions: 90x101x70 mm
Compatible with the following devices:
  • Immunotic
  • Remove
  • Global
We offer a 1 year warranty
110-230v Output DC:15v
Compatible with all Immunotic devices
Compatible with all Immunotic devices
Wrist strap extension. 2 metres